Carol’s Corner Time’s Flying – Regain Control Where You Can Here we are 12-months’ since COVID-19 came at the beginning of Autumn, and what a roller coaster those 12-months’ have been with the ever changing Level changes, research revealing more about the virus, and the very fast (in terms of scientific discoveries) vaccine development and distribution. In the past year we have also had earthquakes across New Zealand, as well as tsunami warnings, so life is definitely still strange for all of us. It all contributes to making people feel stressed, uneasy, and not in control. But, one thing
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Keeping Up With ProZone – February 2019
Carol’s Corner Happy New Year everyone. It’s scary to think that it’s already halfway through February, but we’ve been enjoying such a lovely summer the time has just gone. We spent almost 6 weeks at our beach place, apart from the odd trip home to pack parcels and sort a few things, during which we’ve enjoyed lovely walks on the beach for an hour early every morning. I take bags and pick up rubbish on the beach which is mostly relatively clean. Apart from bits of plastic, rope, dirty nappies, and lolly papers, we also found several pairs of perfectly
Hi Carol I’m on day 6 of The Zone and feeling soooooo much better than I was. I’m having berries / low fat milk / almonds / protein powder smoothies for breakfast. 1/2 zone bar for each of my three snacks (they are SO yummy). Fish, a ton of salad veges, avocado / black olives for my lunch and evening meals. It’s all really easy and I’m never hungry and I’ve already lost that tired / heavy / bloated feeling. Henry (the dog) is getting longer brisker walks too. I must say that I got a shock when I read
I recently heard from a client who doesn’t live in Wellington and I hadn’t spoken to for several years. She is a diabetic and has struggled to control it. She finally decided to buy a BlockBuilder and this is her response: “Hello Carol, parcel arrived this morning…have had a good look at the Block Builder..,…and it seems to be completely idiot proof!!! I kick started myself Zoning 100% this Monday…yes, only on Day 3 as I write….blood sugars in normal range ALL day. Insulin doses lessened remarkably, losing 1kg a day so far, that can slow down, as I don’t
balanced, BlockBuilder, blood sugar, diabetes, insulin, and Zone.
Hi Carol It’s been 4 weeks or so since getting into the Zone and I feel fantastic, sleeping better, no more indigestion, have more energy, more alert…I might actually be a super Chick…Thanks so much RR
Dear Carol Thanks so much for your help, after being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes at week 28 of my pregnancy I was told that I might need to be prescribed insulin to control my sugar levels for the last 12 weeks of my pregnancy and more than likely need inducing early under the care of the hospital doctors and not my lovely midwife that I trusted and built up a rapport with from the beginning. As I have always been healthy, slim and fit I do not fit the standard Gestational Diabetes mold this was a complete shock! Thanks to following your advice, I
A testimonial from a client 4 weeks after starting in the Zone: I am over the moon about the blood sugar levels being back to normal (wasn’t expecting that so soon as it was the three month test (but I didn’t start until after Christmas) so the next one will be lower still. Also am down to my ideal weight of 68 kgs from 73 kgs. SW