Categories: Announcements, Other, Products, and Recipes.

Carol’s Corner 

Seeing this is ProZone’s 20 year anniversary, we are putting in some of our articles from past newsletters.


As Rachel Hunter said in the infamous advertisement for hair products, “it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen”,  the same can be said for weight loss.  A lot of people are hung up on weight loss and weigh themselves religiously every morning, getting upset if they put on a few hundred grams and probably rewarding themselves by eating a bit more, as if they had lost a few hundred grams.

We had a client who went from a size 16 to a size 10 and only lost one kilo on the scales. How? Because she increased her muscles mass as she lost fat – how perfect is that?!  Remember, it took time to put on the weight, often over years, so it will take time to lose it. But, in the meantime, you are getting all the other good things that come with eating in the Zone.


Eating in the Zone is mostly about the health benefits; feeling better, having more energy, sleeping better, controlling your blood sugar, and lowering your cholesterol. However, weight loss us a bonus. I recommend that you don’t weigh yourself, or maybe do it once a month if you must.  You will know if you have lost fat as your clothes will feel looser (go buy a new wardrobe, it’s a better reward than “treating” yourself to something sweet to eat ).  ?


So, the moral of the story? Don’t weigh yourself!


My Handy Hint for August is… Pick the Protein First
It’s easy to find carbs, and fat to go with it. But, especially when you eat out, a good way to make sure you are in the Zone is to pick your protein option first, such as eggs, omelettes, meat, fish, chicken, or tofu if you are vegetarian.


Yours in the Zone


021 215 8346
Level 4, 22 Panama Street, Wellington



Image result for keep in the loopPureFit Bars

PureFit bars now available at a supermarket near you*!
(*Note: Currently only available at Thorndon New World)

We have now started supplying the PureFit bars to Foodstuffs stores. Our first store is Thorndon New World in Wellington. The aim is to get them into as many stores as we can so you will never run out, so please ask your local store to start stocking them.

They will still be available from our online shop (links below), or directly from my office (please check that I will be in).

*PLEASE NOTE: The dated bars are all now SOLD OUT*

Order online here or through the website.


Red 8 Range

Our Red 8 Soy Protein and Red 8 Stevia have both now been discontinued and are therefore no longer available for purchase.


Almond Milk

If Anyone You Know Buys Almond Milk, Tell Them To Stop – Here’s Why

Posted by Stefan on April 26, 2018


Almonds are incredibly healthy and provide numerous health benefits, as they are a rich source of healthy fats, protein, flavonoids, antioxidants, and beneficial phenols. Therefore, their addition to your regular diet will provide lots of benefits and lots of body energy.

However, even though numerous people consume it and believe it is even healthier than dairy, the milk variant is not as healthy as they think. Namely, the store-bought almond milk includes more water, sweeteners, and additives, than almonds. The average carton of this milk has only a handful of almonds.

Research has found only 2 percent of almonds in the UK almond milk brand Alpro, and the rest is a mixture of sweeteners, water, added A,E, D vitamins, and carrageenan (a thickening agent). Therefore, you need to drink the entire carton in order to get the needed nutrients. This explains the low amount of calories in it, as a cup contains only 30 calories, while a serving of almonds has 160 calories. Additionally, the nut milk costs 4 dollars per half a gallon.

Yet, due to the profits of the almond milk industry, these facts are not publicly revealed. In 2014, White Wave, a plant-based milk company, reported that their sales in the first quarter had increased 50 percent over the previous year’s totals. Therefore, it is expected that as sales grow, this year, the industry will net 1.7 billion dollars in sales.


Pre- and Gestational Diabetes

Published in our September 2017 Newsletter


I often see women with gestational diabetes which is an unwelcome complication of pregnancy with possible serious implications. In most cases this can be “treated” by eating in the Zone. I always insist that the client must inform their medical practitioner of their intention, and should not change their medication without medical supervision. However, the results, as Nicky’s story below reflects, can be remarkable.


Nicky’s Story:
Dear Carol,Thanks so much for your help. I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes at week 28 of my pregnancy. I was told that not only might I need to be prescribed insulin to control my sugar levels for the last 12 weeks of my pregnancy, I would also more than likely need inducing early under the care of the hospital doctors and not my lovely midwife that I trusted and had built up a rapport with since the beginning.

As I have always been healthy, slim and fit I do not fit the standard Gestational Diabetes mold, so being diagnosed with it was a complete shock!

Thanks to following your advice, I was able to control my sugar levels through food and not drugs. I never needed insulin (which surprised the experts), and I went on to have a natural birth with no complications resulting from my condition.

I believe without the ProZone eating plan, I wouldn’t have had the healthy birth experience that I wanted.

Many thanks,

A Word From Carol:
Thank you Nicky, for putting your trust into the Zone and allowing yourself to reap the benefits, for both yourself and your newborn.
I also have doctors that send their diabetic or pre-diabetic patients to me.  After just their first Zone meal, these patients know that their blood sugars are improving. As Barry Sears says: “Food is the most powerful drug you will ever take by mouth”.

If you know somebody struggling to control their diabetes, please send them to me.



Going into Winter we need to help boost our immune system to help us get through the season healthy and well.
Get in the Zone….


Only $350 or $399 for couples!


Two 3-Block Lunches or Dinners

These are two 3 block meals. You can halve ingredients to make one 3 block meal or they keep well, so half can be kept for another meal.

If you are a couple where the woman has a three block meal and the man has four or five blocks, use the recipes and add extra blocks of the ingredients to serve for the larger meal.  To add another one or two blocks of protein, add another 30 or 60g of chicken or meat, or another 45 or 90g of fish, and make sure you have another one or two blocks of carbohydrate and fat. (See “Adjustable Block” recipes for how this is done).

Another way would be to prepare the recipe and divide it equally, but the four or five block person would, for example, have one or two of the one block balanced choices for dessert, or a soy fruit ice, yogurt and nuts, or fruit and cheese etc., or the one block balanced desserts.

Easy Apricot Chicken (two quick three Block meals)
Two 90g pieces of chicken breast
1 clove garlic
1/3 packet of French Onion soup powder*
1/3 can of SPC Lite™ apricots (about 6 halves) and juice
½ tsp nutmeg (optional)
¼ cup water
18 almonds chopped

Put chicken in a casserole dish.  Blend the remaining ingredients except the almonds.  Put almonds on chicken and pour over apricot mixture.
Put in the microwave and cook covered on high until chicken is cooked, which depends on the microwave and the thickness of the chicken, check after 5 minutes.  Can be cooked in an oven; bake at 190C covered for 25 minutes and check.

Serve with a two block salad (have half each) with 1 tsp of oil in the dressing and a glass of wine or 2 mandarins or a kiwifruit for each person.  For a one-pot meal for two without added carbohydrate choices, use a whole packet of soup and a whole tin of apricots.  Freezes well.

Easy Tomato Chicken (two quick three Block meals)
Two 90 g chicken breasts
1/3 packet of French onion soup*
One 400 g tin of tomatoes, roughly chopped
A dash of balsamic vinegar (optional)
A dash of Worcester or fish sauce (optional
1 chopped button mushroom
½ clove garlic
2 tsp peanut or canola oil

Put chicken in a casserole dish.  Combine the remaining ingredients and pour over chicken.

Put in the microwave on high until cooked.  Depends on microwave and thickness of chicken, check after 5 minutes.  (Can be baked at 190C, check chicken after 20 minutes).

Serve with a salad and a glass of wine or a kiwifruit.  You can use half the olive oil in the dish and half in the salad if you like.

*This amount of glutamate in the soup powder won’t hurt occasionally but it is better to replace with Master Foods™ MSG-free concentrated stock sachets.  If you use these, have another half block of carbohydrate per serving.


Contact Us

Sha Bannister-Plumridge        



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