Categories: Other.

Carol’s Corner

Welcome to 2021!

I hope that you have had a good break and you are feeling rested and fired-up ready to get into this year.

Here’s hoping that 2021 is an easier year for everyone than 2020 was, even though things are not the same as they were pre-2020, and probably never will be, so we must adjust accordingly, and learn to live well in our new ‘normal’. The threat of COVID-19 still looms heavily, especially with recent new cases coming from MIQ (Managed Isolation and Quarantine), the place where COVID is supposed to be contained.

The best thing you can do to prepare yourself to fight off viruses and infections is keep healthy and well and boost your immunity. The easiest and most effective way to become and stay healthy and well and boost your immunity, is to eat in the Zone. If you’ve forgotten how to do that or would like to do better, please contact me for an in-person or Zoom online consultation.  

Book your refresher consultation or contact me with any other questions or queries via my Contact Form.

Hemp Products 

I often get asked about hemp products, and was recently approached by a company who was keen for me to market their products, so I had a closer look.

The hemp oil I looked at had over 50% Omega 6 fats, which are fats that we try to avoid. If you are taking fish oil as a supplement (which is the only supplement that we recommend) you need to take a fish oil with the active Omega-3 fats EPA and DHA.  If you don’t want to take fish oil, it is okay to take flaxseed oil – but, limit flaxseed oil doses to a maximum of 15ml per day.

For cooking, use peanut, avocado, or canola oil, and always heat oil on a low-medium heat. Do not re-heat or save oil to re-use later, as re-used oil, like that used in fast food preparation, results in the accumulation of toxic fats. Use New Zealand extra virgin olive oil for raw cooking, including salads, porridge, and smoothies.

The hemp protein I looked at was 60% protein. It’s important to read the labels because a lot of protein powders surprisingly contain very little protein! We recommend that any protein powder you use is at least 70% protein, and we highly recommend our ProZone-brand protein, as it is over 91% pure protein.

You can view and order our full range of products

in our online ProZone Shop

ProZone Protein 

Our protein is casein-based as opposed to most protein powders which are made with whey. Casein-based protein powders like ours are preferred, as they are more palatable and the sugar from lactose is slower to release into the bloodstream than whey-based proteins powders.

I have a new manufacturer for our protein powder who are using the same formula, however, I have had some comments that the consistency is a bit different, which the manufacturer is looking at adjusting in our next batch. If you have difficulty getting the powder to mix in (this only happens in cold water), I suggest that you mix it in a little warm water first.

You can view and order our full range of products

in our online ProZone Shop

Book Sale 

I have 4 of Dr. Sears’ old but never used Zone books for sale, including the excellent “Anti-Aging Zone”. 

All books now just $10.00 each!

You can view and order our full range of products

in our online ProZone Shop

Flavour Enhancers and Sweeteners

Flavour Enhancers

Flavour enhancers (glutamates) are often found in processed foods in the ingredients list as additive codes E620 to E625 (inclusive). These additives are what give foods an addictive taste and push up insulin levels, so any foods you find with these codes listed are best avoided or eaten only occasionally.


Maltodextrin is a sweetener which should be avoided as it raises insulin levels. Ever noticed your hunger increase after consuming food with an added sweetener? This is because all sweeteners have some insulin-inducing effect and thus can cause hunger by lowering blood sugar.

Stevia is a natural sweetener which is now available quite freely and is used to sweeten many foods. Go easy when you use this sweetener, as a tiny little bit is all that is needed, not a spoon-for-spoon sugar replacement. The more you eat well in the Zone, the less sweet cravings you get and the better your insulin is controlled. Eat well by choosing natural, fresh foods.

PureFit Bars 

I have had a new shipment of bars delivered so
all 7 flavours are now in stock for $65 a box.

For $35 a box, I have limited dated stock of
Peanut Butter Crunch, Almond Crunch, and Berry Almond.

You can view and order our PureFit Bars

in our online ProZone Shop

Contact Us


Our mailing address is:

PO Box 25 077, Wellington 6140

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