
The Zone is not only praised by the people on the programme. Following are comments from some of the medical profession who see the benefits the Zone brings to themselves and their patients. We are proud to say that all clients who have seriously adopted and continued with the Zone Nutrition Programme have been delighted with the results. Read just a few of the recommendations from the many doctors that support us and then scroll down for a very small sample of the comments some of our clients have shared with us.

Comments from clients from the medical profession

Dr Patricia Bassett, Whitby Doctors

“I was first introduced to the Zone way of eating by patients who had been to ProZone. They had lost weight, dropped their cholesterol and were very happy with their recommended way of eating. Other people have told me their hay fever and sleeping has improved whilst eating in the Zone. After about a year of being badgered I decided it was time to contact Carol and Kevin to see what they could do for me.

I found the Zone way of eating to be balanced protein, carbohydrates and fats where you eat normal food. I can choose what to eat but the emphasis is on healthy choices. I found that I lost weight without feeling deprived and had more energy at the end of a busy day. I like that the Zone is a way of eating rather than a ‘diet’ and that it has lots of variability along with ability to splurge now and then. I continue to eat in the Zone as it makes me feel better.”

Dr John Gyenge, Brandon Street Surgery, Wellington

“I became interested in Zone nutrition some years ago while looking for a healthy diet for my patients and myself. It was the scientific concept of the diet and the positive scientific studies as to its health benefits that encouraged me to try the Zone. For myself the difference was four inches off my waist. This I have maintained by staying near the Zone over the years. With my patients the use has been for both the purpose of losing body fat and also for improving health in chronic fatigue patients. The Zone diet has been very successful.

I am happy to recommend ProZone because their comprehensive support with education, friendship and associated products helps people to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle in the Zone.”

Dr Teresa Matuszewska, Upper Hutt

“Carol and Kevin I would like to thank you for introducing me to the Zone Nutrition Programme. It has changed my life and the lives of many of my patients that I’ve recommended it to. I am recommending Zone Nutrition to healthy obese patients as well as patients with diabetes, hypertension and other medical problems. Both groups of patients are doing well.

One patient was doing well on weight loss pills but had to come off them because she developed high blood pressure as a side effect. She was reluctant to try the Zone because she did not believe that only diet would work. She was pleasantly surprised to find that she continues to lose weight and feels great, full of energy and happy. Now her whole family follows the Zone programme as the food is very tasty and they all feel fantastic and just love it.

I think that I will never stop to wonder how little was needed to change my busy lifestyle to accommodate the Zone by eating frequent smaller meals with balanced protein, carbohydrates and fat and 30 minutes moderate exercise daily which is a morning walk with my husband. Every day I wake up with a clear mind. I do not need coffee as an ‘eye opener’ nor to keep me going throughout the day.

As a doctor I work long hours and frequently weekends so I need a lot of energy to concentrate on my patients’ problems and to do my household chores as well – usually after work. Following the Zone programme gives me just what I need – plenty of energy and maximum mental and physical ability to do my work. And what a great pleasure it is to buy clothes 2 sizes smaller!!

Thanks again for doing such a good job of introducing people to the Zone nutrition programme and helping them to reach the Zone of well being. I wish you the best for the future. Keep doing your excellent work. I am going to continue to support ProZone by recommending it to my patients and by following it myself as well.”

Howard Clentworth, Gynaecologist, Lower Hutt

I was introduced to the detail of ProZone by Kevin and Carol of ProZone.

I believe that long term benefit from changing eating habits and patterns can only be achieved if the method is simple and reliable and can be easily applied in everyday life. Deprivation and weighing food may provide some short term benefits but do not translate into behavioural change.

The Zone has provided me with the tool to lose 22 kilograms and to maintain that weight loss. It has become so much a part of my everyday life that it requires no effort.

Comments from Fitness Professionals

Ryan Wall, Personal Trainer and Fitness Adviser, Wellington

“Since going to the ProZone nutritional seminar and learning the correct way to eat and balance out my meals I have experienced many great health benefits from increased energy levels to increased fat loss and higher immune system function.

As a personal trainer I deal with a lot of people who have very different views on how to eat to get in shape and stay healthy and most of the time they are very far from the ideal balanced healthy eating plan that Zone nutrition advocates. I followed the Zone for my preparation for the Wellington body- building champs where I won the overall title. I was able to eat good food, build muscle and keep my fat levels down. I found getting into contest shape far less stressful and my eating didn’t differ significantly from my normal off-season diet. This meant that my normal lifestyle patterns were not disrupted.

I have found the Zone is a very easy way of eating because you are still eating real food but you become much more aware of what you are actually eating and the effects that it has. I would recommended the Zone way of eating to everyone that is looking for a better quality of lifestyle and who is wanting to stay fit and healthy for life.”

Note: Ryan wrote this reference in 2002. In 2007 he remained so convinced of the benefits of the Zone that he went into a business partnership with us in a gym that included Zone Nutrition seminars included in gym membership and a licensed cafe and bar that served Zone balanced meals.

Comments from ProZone clients

Following are just a very small fraction of the many unsolicited e-mails that we receive from happy clients. These are genuine people and genuine comments. Full details are available in our files.


Just a quick note to say a great big thank-you for changing my life around! Its been two weeks that I’ve been happily living in the Zone. Today I measured my waist, since my clothes were starting to feel rather loose – and found it was 8cm smaller than it was a fortnight ago. Not sure whether this is a lot or just average, but it’s great!

I have followed the instructions to the letter – though the last fortnight has included quite a few meals away from home, plus a three-day sailing trip – and have found it easy to stay in the Zone. Love the food – and I know my body does too. Also love the higher seratonin! (And the clear head, the extra energy, and the increased agility from the lighter body.) All just as predicted, except the speed of response, which has taken even optimistic me by surprise. The main benefit, though, is that it doesn’t feel like a diet! Just a better way of eating.


Hi Kevin 3 weeks and 3 days on the zone, eating well and full with variety and no craving!!!! for McD’s, KFC etc which I had a serious problem with for many years, I have now lost 4.8 kg’s! First time in my life where I am losing weight and feeling great and not mentally and physically on a “Diet”. It’s very exciting to know its working for me!


Hi Carol, I did zone several years ago… still holding my weight…. am now at a constant 60-61 kg now…

and I thank you for the knowledge that you instilled in me.


I came to see you while on holiday in Wellington and just wanted to let you know how I was getting on. I have stopped eating rice and all high starch food and feel FANTASTIC! Thank you. I’m not sure why it took me so long to do it.


It is great to be back zoning along – I am today wearing a pair of formerly ‘retired’ pants from the back of the wardrobe which I had no show of doing up for the last couple of years. They fit me better now than they did when I bought them at least 5 or 6 years ago. Most of my clothes are now looking like they belong to my ‘big brother’ so a new wardrobe is looming.

In the last week I have managed a 16km walk, swum 400m in the pool at one session, and knocked 17mins off the time it used to take me to do my regular morning walk – down from 80mins to 67mins.

Today I made a commitment to, next March, enter a triathlon event – something I would not even have contemplated or considered remotely possible three months ago. I recognise it will take me time to build fitness, swimming and cycling skills but believe that; through keeping in the Zone, and the work I have done already and am committed to keep doing to be more active and healthy, I can do it.

Thanks again for your support and example. I look forward to seeing you again soon.


Thanks Kevin.I have just started on stevia , very interesting taste. So goodbye aspartame.I have to admit after starting the zone only last Tuesday I have far more energy ,it is hard to believe,Even with the chronic back pain and drugs that I am on. I even believe what you are say about not being tired and sleeping better. I have never had a problem sleeping but it is a different sleep. I don’t know how much weight I have lost because I am not into weighing but things are looser. But a big thank you


Thanks guys, I am enjoying the Zone. I am starting to feel really good with it . I have had good results with the recipes that I concocted and have had at least 4-5 hours clarity in my focus with it. I am starting to get a real handle on the whole block thing as well as well as sticking to it yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My energy levels have started to increase and I have had whole days with being able to carry on with my activities as well as staying focused. That has been a huge bonus. I also have been doing exercise as well for three days consistently a week for the last three weeks. It has been a good start and I finally feel as if I am making progress.


We are cruising in the zone and have recruited a new Zoney – call Sue from Auckland and she is going to contact you guys and get inspired! We are well and happy. Been a bit out of the zone but Errol is looking “buffed” as an 18 year old gym bunny told him. Errol asked what “buffed” meant and she said “ripling with muscle” – so Errol is “stoked!!!” Men will be men. Love the zone bars and will be placing an order soon. Jill is really in the zone now and we go walking twice a day and she is looking gorgeous! Thanks for all your support.


A testimonial from a client 4 weeks after starting in the Zone:

I am over the moon about the blood sugar levels being back to normal (wasn’t expecting that so soon as it was the three month test (but I didn’t start until after Christmas) so the next one will be lower still. Also am down to my ideal weight of 68 kgs from 73 kgs.