Contributed by Kevin Bateman The last time you read something like that heading it was probably a low fat but very high carbohydrate product. Not so a new New Zealand made product that is very low in fat and carbohydrate yet is deliciously rich and chocolaty. Avalanche Sugar Free Cocoa Chocolate Drinking Mix is supposed to be a kids’ product but it is way too good to be reserved for children only. It contains no artificial sweeteners and appears to be flavoured cocoa that is sweetened with the natural sweeteners erythritol and stevia. These sweeteners have negligible
Guilt Free Chocolate Drink and Flavouring
Comments and Recipes.
blood sugar, carbohydrates, chocolate, cocoa, fat, protein, stevia, sweeteners, and Zone.
blood sugar, carbohydrates, chocolate, cocoa, fat, protein, stevia, sweeteners, and Zone.