Carol’s Corner The end of daylight-saving signals the end of an almost perfect summer, especially where we are. I appreciate that some people have not been so lucky and have had to cope with endless rain and floods, especially up north. I have just picked the last of the bounty from our garden (photo below) – a large carrot, a small pumpkin and the last of the broad beans. I’ve still got spinach, peas, and another pumpkin, but mostly I’ve got monarch butterfly chrysalises all over the place which is fun. If you want some more information about the
Archives for Other
Keeping Up With ProZone – March 2022
Carol’s Corner As I write this the Ministry of Health have just announced 12,000 cases of Omicron in the community today which is probably not the true number out there. It’s very scary. That coupled with the ghastly protest in Wellington and now the even more horrible events in Ukraine, we cannot be blamed for feeling despair about the future. I hope you are all safe and well. We have decided to hunker down at our place at Himatangi Beach where the sun is shining, the air is fresh, and the sea is magic. I like to walk on
Keeping Up With ProZone – December 2021
Carol’s Corner Here we are with the end of the year nearly on us. What a turbulent year it has been again with so much uncertainty, fear, and ups and downs with COVID and politics changing every day. It’s hard to keep up and many people have struggled to cope. The most important thing you can do is keep yourself well. Eat in the Zone, exercise every day (at least a walk), and take time out for yourself whether you meditate, spend time with family and friends, read, dance, paint, write, or sing. I belong to the Wellington Community
Keeping Up With ProZone – September 2021
Carol’s Corner It’s been a pretty stressful last few weeks with the arrival of the Delta variant of COVID-19 in New Zealand and subsequently being placed back under alert levels 3 and 4. This lockdown seems to have been more difficult for many people, possibly because we’ve had a very large outbreak affecting mainly younger people. Last year we did our lockdown at our home at Himatangi Beach. Unfortunately, with the sudden and short notice of this lockdown we got stuck in our apartment in Wellington. Fortunately, we are in the middle of town so we have the waterfront
COVID-19 vaccine, Dr. Barry Sears, Fish Oil, Krill Oil, Liquid fish oil, omega 3, Omega Rx, PureFit Bars, and SYW.
Keeping Up With ProZone – June 2021
Carol’s Corner The Zone vs. Alternative Diets There is a lot of interest in alternative diets such as paleo & keto (which used to be called the Atkins diet). The other one that many people are intrigued by is intermittent fasting, either the 5/2 diet or variations on that such as the one below that Kevin tried. Kevin and I first started eating in the Zone about 24 years ago. The science behind eating this way, as developed by Dr. Barry Sears, made a lot of sense to us and we both ended up with very positive benefits. Kevin
balanced, Balanced Bars, blood sugar, carbohydrates, Fish Oil, good health, health, healthy food, Krill Oil, nutrition, omega 3, recipes, Supplements, weight control, and Zone.
Keeping Up With ProZone – May 2021
Carol’s Corner Surviving Supermarket Shopping Recently I saw a joke on Facebook that went along the lines of, “I’ve just been to the supermarket and now I’m the proud owner of Aisle 4.” Shopping can be a real trap, especially for young players, unless you are disciplined or are aware of how to get it right. Here are some ideas for food shopping in the supermarket: 1. Make a list and stick to it. 2. Shop online so you don’t cheat. 3. Read labels. 4. Only go around the outer aisles in the supermarket which have vegetables, fruit, meat,
Keeping Up With ProZone – February 2021
Carol’s Corner Welcome to 2021! I hope that you have had a good break and you are feeling rested and fired-up ready to get into this year. Here’s hoping that 2021 is an easier year for everyone than 2020 was, even though things are not the same as they were pre-2020, and probably never will be, so we must adjust accordingly, and learn to live well in our new ‘normal’. The threat of COVID-19 still looms heavily, especially with recent new cases coming from MIQ (Managed Isolation and Quarantine), the place where COVID is supposed to be contained. The best
70% protein, 91% pure protein, addictive, additive, address, Almond Crunch, anti-aging, avocado oil, Berry Almond, blood sugar, book, book sale, canola oil, casein, casein-based, cellphone, consultation, contact, COVID-19, craving, DHA, Dr. Sears, E620, E621, E622, E623, E624, E625, email, EPA, extra virgin olive oil, Facebook, fast food, fat, Fish Oil, flavour enhancers, flaxseed oil, fresh, glutamate, health, hemp, hemp oil, hemp protein, immunity, infections, insulin, maltodextrin, natural, new zealand, omega 3, Peanut Butter Crunch, peanut oil, porridge, processed, protein, protein powder, ProZone, ProZone shop, Prozone-brand protein, PureFit Bars, refresher, salad, Sears, shop, smoothie, stevia, sweeteners, toxic, viruses, whey, whey-based, and Zone.
Recipe: Baked Parmesan Zucchini Rounds
These are a yummy addition to your meal or as a snack to accompany some protein. They take 2 minutes to prepare & 15/20 minutes to bake. Baked Parmesan Zucchini Rounds Yield: 2 to 4 servings Baked Parmesan Zucchini Rounds A simple summer side dish of Baked Parmesan Zucchini Rounds comes together quickly using only two ingredients…and will disappear from the table even faster! Ingredients • 2 medium-sized zucchini • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese • Garlic salt & freshly ground black pepper, optional Instructions 1. Place oven rack in center position of oven. Preheat to 425°F. Line a
Keeping Up With ProZone – Christmas 2018
From all of us here at ProZone, we’d like to wish you, your family and your friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! It’s hard to believe that it’s “that” time of the year again. It’s been a year full of ups and downs for me, so I’m looking forward to a break,and a fresh start in the New Year. I never worry about my nutrition, even over the holidays, as I always eat in the Zone. However, I understand Christmas can make it difficult for some to stay in the Zone, so I’ve included some tips
Keeping Up With ProZone – August 2018
Carol’s Corner Seeing this is ProZone’s 20 year anniversary, we are putting in some of our articles from past newsletters. As Rachel Hunter said in the infamous advertisement for hair products, “it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen”, the same can be said for weight loss. A lot of people are hung up on weight loss and weigh themselves religiously every morning, getting upset if they put on a few hundred grams and probably rewarding themselves by eating a bit more, as if they had lost a few hundred grams. We had a client who went from a size
almond milk, anniversary, apricot, chicken, consultation, diabetes, gestational, meal, pregnancy, PureFit, recipe, red 8, special, tomato, update, and weight loss.
Keeping Up With ProZone – July 2018
Carol’s Corner Tree Planting Recently our Rotary club joined with Wellington City Council and some locals to plant 320 trees on Mt Victoria. We were lucky with the weather on a lovely Sunday morning. Rotary has a project to plant trees all around the world – at least one for every member of Rotary (over 1.3 million members). It was a very rewarding exercise, and afterwards we had a lovely shared barbecue cooked by the local neighbours. It was very easy to “Zone” the lunch, with lovely beef steak and magnificent salads – I just avoided the bread and potatoes.
bars, carol, consultation, cottage cheese, Fish Oil, frittata, heike, newsletter, olive oil, porridge, PureFit, recipes, sha, special, and supermarket.
Keeping Up With ProZone – June 2018
Sorry it has been a while since you heard from me. It’s been a busy time since the end of April, starting off with our wedding, followed two days later by the terrible news that my sister is ill with a brain tumour. I had a visit to Australia to visit her which was lovely. She’s quite well at the moment, but the outlook is grim and she has just started 6-weeks’ of rigorous treatment. It just shows how vulnerable we all are and how we should look after ourselves, look after each other, don’t take life for granted, and enjoy
The Benefits of Water
The Benefits of Water Most of us think we have a healthy lifestyle. We eat well and exercise regularly. However, many of us aren’t drinking enough water to supplement this healthy life, and in fact aren’t even aware how much water we should have every day! Our bodies need water to achieve optimum health, as it makes up about 60% of your body weight. For a 60kg person, that’s 36kg! So, how much water does the average person need? The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake for men is roughly about 13 cups (3 liters) a day, and for women
Merry Christmas and How to Survive The Festive Season
Merry Christmas! From all of us here at ProZone we’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas! Christmas can make it hard to stay in the Zone, so we’ve included some tips below to help you survive the holidays. Healthy Holiday Tips Holidays bring family and friends together to celebrate traditions and spread festive cheer. They also bring lots of opportunities for socialising, eating and drinking. For some people the festive season can provide a temporary challenge to their Zone nutrition lifestyle. To help you survive the parties without going off the Zone we wanted to share a few
Sugar Tax
Could a Tax on Sugar Save Lives? Last month the UK introduced a sugar tax on soft drinks to come into effect in 2018. Our government has stood by its stance not to introduce the tax, despite a compelling open letter signed by 74 professors from universities around NZ urging NZ to follow the UK’s lead. There is suggestions the government should listen to the experts and start treating sugar-related diseases like smoking-related cancers. Osborne, a UK politician said: “I’m not prepared to look back at my time here in this Parliament doing this job and say to my children’s generation, ‘I’m
Do you know somebody who needs help with their weight and well being? Please get them to contact us at ProZone
Do you know somebody who is working too hard, not eating properly and not coping? Get them to contact us at ProZone.
PureFit Bars Back in Stock
Great news! The bars are back in stock. Thank you to everyone for your patience while there were stock shortages due to a strike at the docks in America. ProZone is now the New Zealand distributor of the PureFit bars. Go to our shop to order now. Go to the shop to order directly.
Obesity Epidemic
There was an excellent article in the DomPost on Monday (April 6) outlining how obesity is now a bigger problem than hunger in the world. This is a terrifying scenario and has serious consequences for the global economy. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study published in the Lancet nearly 30 percent of the world’s population is overweight or obese. That is nearly two and a half times more than the number of people who are undernourished. It is estimated that if the current trend continues, that almost half of the world’s population will be overweight by 2030. The burden on the
balanced, blood sugar, diabetes, good health, health, insulin, obesity, weight control, and Zone.
Fish Oil debate
Following the release last week of a study carried out by the University of Auckland Liggins Institute that found many fish oils on the market contain a third less omega-3 fatty acids than claimed on the label, I want to reassure my customers that the See Yourself Well (SYW) Omega-3 sold by ProZone is certified to the highest standards for fish oil quality in the world, the International Fish Oil Standard (IFOS) 5 star rating. This is the highest quality IFOS rating whose certification guarantees the safety of SYW fish oil and assures you that you cannot get a higher